Sirius Validation

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Sirius Validation is a library for data validation. It offers:

  1. validator object
  2. 45 build-in validation rules. There are validators for strings, array, numbers, emails, URLs, files and uploads
  3. validation helper to simplify the validation of single values

Out-of-the-box, the library can handle arrays, ArrayObjects and objects that have implemented the toArray method. In order to validate other data containers you must create a DataWrapper so that the validator be able to extract data from your object.

Elevator pitch

$validation = new \Sirius\Validation\Validator;

// let's validate an invoice form
    // :Date specifies the label for the field. It will be used in the error messages
    'order_date:Date' => 'required | date',
    // `clientexists` is an app-specific rule
    'client_id:Client' => 'required | clientexists', 
    // apply the same rule for an array of items
    'notify_recipients[*]:Send invoice to' => 'email',
    // apply a rule to a specific item in the array 
    'shipping_address[line_1]:Address' => 'required'
    'shipping_address[city]:City' => 'required'
    'shipping_address[state]:State' => 'required'
    'shipping_address[country]:Country' => 'required',
    'lines[*]price:Price' => [
        // the price is required only if a product was selected
        // another app-specific rule applied to the price, specified as a class 
    'lines[*]quantity:Quantity' => [
        // the price is required only if a product was selected
        // here we have a custom validation rule with no parameters AND a custom error message
        'quantity_in_stock()(The quantity is not valid)'

Why this style?

  1. Because I want to be able to do the following in my views

    <div class="error">
    <?php echo $messages['lines[0][price]']; ?>

    This may seem counter-productive but remember that your forms' input fields may look like this

    <input name="lines[0][price]" value="abc">
  2. Because, If I am to do server side validation I can receive a JSON

    "errors": {
        "recipients[0]": "Field must be a valid email",
        "lines[2][price]": "Price must be a number",

    This way I can find the corresponding HTML inputs and show the error

    $.each(errors, function(message, field) {
    $('[name="' + field + '"]')
        .append('<div class="error">'+message+'</div>');    
  3. If I am to do client-side validation I want to do the following

    $clientSideRules = $helperThatCompilesTheClientSideValidation->getValidationRules($validator);
    $('#myForm').validate(<?php echo json_encode($clientSideRules))?>);